Haha, broadband is up!!
Hurrah, hurrah, our broadband is up and running! After living on dial-up for a month, the speed boost is definitely appreciated. Anyhow, I thought I'd put up some recent photos of the kids for those of you who haven't already seen them recently.
Anyhow, praise God that the kids seem to have adapted well to life back in S'pore. They don't seem to mind the heat at all and prefer the food as well. Our new helper, Mel has also settled in nicely and gets along with the kids, which is a huge load off our minds. It's also good to be back in our church, ARPC, and to catch up with old friends and our DG as well. All in all, a very smooth relocation I think..
I'll be going back to work in a week's time so that will be another big change. Will keep you posted (although not that regularly) on what's going on in our lives. Ta for now!