Friday, February 25, 2005

From Bushfires to Snow Storms..

I love the warmth and all the cars..

.. but wow, look at all that snow!

We just arrived back in London on Monday, after 4 weeks in Singapore. It was really great to be home (the family, the friends, the food..) and the time just flew by. We expected it to be hot in Singapore, but not the continuous 35 degrees heatwave! And we expected it to be cold in London, but not the 0 degrees snow and sleet!

It has been snowing (in bits and bobs) since we got back and it'll be cold for the next week or so. Matty got his first experience of snow this morning. He was quite thrilled with the snow initially, until he realised it was cold and wet... We went to the park for a short while and it was quite magical with snow falling all around us.

And yet the flowers bloom..

But things are ephemeral and fleeting. Now the sun is out and all the pretty snow has turned to slush. Still, I'm sure the flowers are glad =)