Monday, September 26, 2005

Our driving trip to Wales

Haha, this is MY car..

We just got back from our 4-day trip to Wales and it was lovely! Matty was totally thrilled by the car (so much so that he happily sat at the back for 2-hour stretches without so much as a peep..). The country itself feels different from South England, with much hillier and prettier countryside. I think Luke must have gotten a bit bored by my constant pointing out the window and going "So pretty.." while he had to keep his eyes on the road.

Panoramic view of the countryside..

..and us

Instead of the usual B&B accomodation, we tried out a self-catering cottage this time. It was actually really nice, and provided a lot more space than just a regular room. And it was nice being able to cook simple meals and eat at a table, after all the experiences in hotels and B&Bs. I think we'll definitely do this more often. The downside was being based in the same place for our stay there, but there was plenty to do so it wasn't a problem at all.

The steam engine

We visited one of their many steam railways, and had a very pleasant ride with lovely views. No prizes for guessing who was the most thrilled... All in all, it was a good trip. I'll post up some more pics another time.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Humpty dumpty

Humpty dumpty sat on a wall..

No, we didn't let him fall just for the sake of completing the nursery rhyme. However, he would probably have enjoyed it if we had. He has this thing about falling down - he seems to find it terribly amusing, unless he happens to actually hurt himself. I guess it's just an extension of liking to be bounced when he was a baby.

The little daredevil now likes climbing all over the couch or armchair and doing stunts like jumping up and landing on his butt on the edge of the couch. Boys will be boys..

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Embarrassing pictures

Aahh, which of us has ever made it through childhood without some embarrassing photos of us in the bath? I decided that Matty should be no different =) Luke usually gives him his shower/bath nowadays but on one of the rare occasions when I did, I took the opportunity to capture a few blackmail type pictures for later on in life... After all, you never know when you might need them.

Here he is pouting, as if to say "Mummy, I think you really shouldn't be doing this.. or else I'm going to get cross!"

"Don't say I didn't warn you, Mummy. Now I'm going to have to do some funky kungfu move with my blue boat..."

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I'm confused mummy..

This is Matty all wrapped up in his blue cloths. That was Aunty Karen's doing (Matty had a great time playing with her while she was staying with us) and he came running to me saying "Mummy, I'm little Joseph". I thought he looked rather more like little Mary..

He walked around the house for a good hour dressed in his sarong and and headscarf, even driving his car in that garb! And by the way, that strange grimace on his face is his idea of how to smile at the camera.. We've had some improvement on that by asking him to laugh instead of smile at the camera nowadays.