Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Pass It On

What a wondrous time is spring

When all the trees are budding

The birds begin to sing

The flowers start their blooming

That's how it is with God's love
Once you experience it
You spread His love to everyone
You want to pass it on..

Yes, it looks like spring is finally here! One lovely thing about living in a temperate country is seeing the new buds and flowers appear after a long dreary winter. It never fails to give my day a lift, and remind me of God's wonderful creation. Hurrah!

Monday, March 14, 2005

Boy, are we alike or what?


The real thing..

When we went back to Singapore recently, I dug out some old photos of Luke and was struck by how much Matty looks like him at that age! We showed some of the old pics to Matty, who was totally convinced that it was himself in those pictures. I sure hope the strong "looks like Luke" gene is only passed on to sons..

Monday, March 07, 2005

The Terrible Twos..

Look at that!

Now you can see why he's so excited..

It was Matty's birthday last week, but true to form, we didn't have a celebration for him =) Instead, I decided to bake him some Thomas the Tank Engine cupcakes as a treat. I had to use one of those cheater bug mixes to get the sugar plaques with the nice pictures (which was fine since he was a lot more excited about the plaques than the cupcakes!).

Somehow (subconsciously?), turning 2 does seem to be a milestone, as in the past week he has transitioned into the terrible twos.. He threw a few tantrums when he didn't get what he wanted, but after being ignored for a while I think he's realised that it doesn't do him much good. So far he's only done it at home (phew!) and we are hoping that he gets past this phase really fast. Ya, I guess until you see a bad side, you don't always appreciate the good side. We really thank God that Matty's been generally well behaved till now, and hope He'll give us wisdom to go thru the more trying phases... I'm sure there'll be much more to come!