Friday, July 08, 2005

We're all ok..

Yesterday was quite a surreal day. It started off normally enough, until Luke called from work & asked me to turn on the TV to watch the news. Quite confusing to figure out what had really happened - power surges? 6 explosions on the tube? 3 bombs on buses? Then slowly a clearer picture emerged, and it was not a pretty one.

50 deaths doesn't sound like very much compared to hundreds or thousands. But if you think of the impact of just 1 person dear to you dying, the impact starts to hit home.. Thankfully nobody I know was hurt in the blasts, or even directly impacted by it (apart from Luke who took an hour to walk home from work yesterday).

Oddly enough, today doesn't feel that different from any other day. Luke went to work, Matty went to nursery, I picked up some groceries at the supermarket... Guess the return to normalcy is part of the human response to tragedy and disaster. At times like this I am grateful that God is in charge of all things. If it is His will, He will keep us safe through even the worst of events. And if not, then we'll just go to meet Him a little earlier than expected...


At 10 July, 2005 01:27, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we're all so relieved that u & family are alright... must be quite tough explaining terrorism to a kid huh? or hopefully, he's still oblivious and carefree? :) take care... from the way our media portfrays it, londoners seem to be coping well... so brave and stoic!!

At 10 July, 2005 17:50, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello peits, luke and matty! glad to know you're all ok! life is fragile but God is in control as you have shared. May He continue to protect your family's stay in London! Remember to inform us whenever you return to Sg! Would always be great to catch up! :-)


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