Thursday, October 26, 2006

Messing up stuff

All neat and tidy..

.. the messer upper at work..

...and then leaving the scene of the crime!

Timmy is very into messing up his bookshelf. As you can see, he's got quite a lot of books, which we try to stack neatly on his own personal shelf. I sometimes bring him over there to try to read a book to him, but barely 3 pages into it, he'll start struggling to get to the shelf. Once he manages to wriggle free, he'll proceed to toss the books off the shelf onto the floor, only contented when most of them are randomly scattered..

As you can tell from the video, he even has pretty strict criteria on how far is far enough... And if he spots you trying to tidy the books up while he's playing with something else, he'll quickly crawl over and mess up the shelf in the midst of your best efforts to put the books back.. It's the same with his box of toys. His favourite past time seems to be creating chaos out of order!

I can hardly wait till he's old enough to tidy up after himself! Hmm.. or maybe I'll settle for him being old enough to stop throwing his books and toys all over the place for now..


At 29 October, 2006 16:04, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know it's a headache to clean aft him, but that video is too cuute!!! on a more serious note, we used to smack dan on the wrist from 8 months onwards everytime he even attempted to go near the bookshelves (u know we have tons of those!) and eventually, he didn't even touch them! same with our house in palo alto, we smudged him on the butties for playing with the file holders in the shelves, and he stopped touching them too... maybe can try with timmy??

At 29 October, 2006 19:34, Blogger The Goh Family said...

The interesting thing is, he only does that with his own bookshelf, even though he can also reach a couple of ours & Matty's. I think it's just his way of playing with his books (he occasionally flips thru them too lah) =)

Haha, thankfully I have my own personal little helper who can be coerced to tidy up after his brother!!

For now we're keeping the smacking on the hand to more dangerous stuff like the stair gates..

At 30 October, 2006 06:54, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is so adorable at it, it shouldn't be too difficult to forgive the mess! I was worried he might bang his head with the books, but I guess he has had enough practice not to. Absolutely endearing how determined he looks at making a proper job of it.


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