Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Greedy Matty

A drumstick all to myself..

But why settle for 1 when you can have 2!!

Okay, okay, I confess that these are posed shots (but he did get to take one bite of the duck). Hehe, guess part of the fun of having kids is making them do stuff which they will grow up to regret and be embarrassed by =)

Matty is getting greedier though. He recently recovered from a bout of stomach flu (I think). After 1.5 days of throwing up and eating nothing, he seems to have discovered a new-found appreciation for food now. Makes life a lot easier for me since he's now eating his meals with a lot more gusto, and a lot less coercion. Not satisfied with that, he also keeps on asking us for food while we're having our meals and ends up taking about 5% of my portion. His current favourites are rice and noodles (yes, very Chinese, this boy) but he also likes his veggies like broccoli, corn and courgettes! I am hoping this phase will last for a long long time...


At 13 November, 2004 05:38, Blogger Chocolate said...

Big stomach king. :)


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